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VAF-Golf is a golf game where the player has to be faster then other 3 people against him. This project was the first multiplayer game so we try to keep it simple without adding ability or any real time action except the golf gameplay. 

we are a team of 9 people divided in the various figures. 
We use discord to communicate and click-up organize the task and the documentation.


How the project work

The scope was to create a golf multiplayer game where the player can fight against each other and gains point usable on our marketplace.  We got a big restriction from the programmers that was to not add nothing to the gameplay so we keep it simple and work more on the level design aspect and the aesthetic of the game. 

golf 3.png

Workflow of design in VAF-Golf

The company give us the idea and then we re design it to make it suitable for the VAF-Universe, so we create the UX/UI, we then start to work on the maps to make different maps that rotate each game, in this way the player doesn't get bored after a bunch of games. After that step we start to set all the reward and the leader board system.  Then we start to test the multiplayer game and start to test and bug fix.



+39 338 567 0160



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