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Hey There

Welcome to my portfolio I'm Francesco, a junior game and level designer with three years of professional experience with a small background as a game programming for unity. Here you can see all of my work and my skils.

About Me.

I am 27 years old and have studied at two academies: one for game development at Nautilus Academy, where I learned the principles of game development and worked on some projects in Unity and Unreal, and the other at Digital Bros. Game Academy, which I am still attending and will complete in July of this year. The academic study at DBGA is focused solely on game design. Here, I study all aspects of game design, from level design to narrative and other elements of game design.

Besides my studies, I am a gamer, and my favorite games, in no particular order, are Outer Wilds, Hollow Knight, Red dead redemption 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (though I love the entire Zelda series).



+39 338 567 0160



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