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VAF-Arcade is a endless space invader where I work as a game designer and technical designer, I've created most if the mechanics and the ux of the game. 
I've worked here for almost 4 years and we are currently keep our game updated with live ops. 
we are a team of 9 people divided in the various figures. 
We use discord to communicate and click-up organize the task and the documentation.

UX/UI Showcase

Main menu flow

Purchase flow

How the project work

I got inside the project after the start but after the first concept of the space invader in a pay to earn system like axie infinity, but after the first release we decide to expand the game by adding different cell with different ability adding the multiplayer and the a quest system, we also add an ai system powered by convai that is used for the tutorial and also helps the player to do action cause this ai can listen and respond or make an action like open a menu.

vaf arcade gameplay 2.png

Workflow of design in VAF

Usually we start from an idea or a request to add a catenin features like a quest system or a level system, then we study  how popular games made the level system to know all the implicit information that we have to put in. 

only then we start to think of a documentation that include all the technical information to made that feature and also a ux/ui part that explain how the ui should be made and the position of the various piece of ui.



+39 338 567 0160



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