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Sacred Vendors is an horror-stealth  in first person game in which the Los ninos robados del franquismo scandal is represented through the eyes of an ipothetical child who’s trying to escape from a catholic-medical structure.



It's a project made in unreal engine 5 and in this project I do: 

  • Level Design

  • Balancing

  • 3C Design


The team

In this project we are 11 people we work 6 month to make this vertical slice, and in this months we use these programs: 

  • Trello 

  • G-suite

  • Unreal engine 5

Level Design

This is the Level design part I worked with another level designer to make the first level and alone to make the level tutorial of the game.

After the Flow we start to make the draft of the level. before that we jump in engine to gets some reference about the player speed and size. then we start to create the actual level that we divide in two different floor, but we want to give the player the possibility to navigate both of the floor in a non linear way, that why we used locked door to make the player go up and down between the two floors. 

And to make sure that the player doesn't get stuck on a dead end while the enemy was chasing him we put small passage where only the player can enter by open a grate

Flow Chart

This was the first step of the work we create a legend  and we divide the game in beats and make a flow to know what the player have to do to finish the level.
As a first level of the game we decide to have a more slower pacing to make the player familiarize with the mechanics of the game.




Final Result

This is the finals result we managed to make a scarry and creepy hospital with a church attached, we also try to be as more realistic possible and we also try to use old furniture because the game is in the 80' so we study the furniture and hospital in that period of time and we try to replicate the feeling 





Second floor





+39 338 567 0160



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